Farasabz Ariya Jam Co.

Manufacturer and supplier of different raw materials

Farsabez expert advice

In order to receive expert advice, please register your information accurately.

Note: Before completing the form, please pay attention to the following points.

  • The information of this form is protected by Farasabz AriyaJam Company.
  • You will be contacted one day to one week after filling out this form.
  • An online or telephone counseling session will be held according to your request.

"(الزامی)" indicates required fields

لطفا نوع صنعت خودتان را مشخص کنید.(الزامی)
نوع مسئله ای که الان با آن مواجه شده اید چیست؟(الزامی)
اگر با یکی از مشکلات زیر مواجه اید آن را مشخص کنید.