Farasabz Ariya Jam Co.

Manufacturer and supplier of different raw materials

Contact us

To communicate with Farasabz AryaJam Company, you can contact us through the available addresses or contact numbers listed on the site,

Appointments in the office should be scheduled for 3 business days earlier 

or you can send us your request through the form and   we can contact you!

Central Office

2nd floor, No.36, 20-Meter Dabaghchi , 16-meter Boostan St, Haftjooy, Qods, Tehran, Iran


No.5235, 6th Damavand, West Mulla Sadra St., Eshtehard Industrial Complex

Shahyar's office

No. 77.1, Zarin Dasht Complex, Golestan St., Dabaghchi St., Shahryar to Karaj Road

Phone Call